The Registrar
The Registrar acts as the Operations Manager of the college. This office provides leadership in the delivery of all administrative services in facilitating the core business of the college. The office is the hub of all operational services in regard to the academic and general administration as well as human resource management and student welfare services.
The Registrar’s office coordinates, monitors and evaluates the implementation of policies, strategies, procedures and regulations for academic and general administration in human resource management and student welfare. The office is also secretariat of statutory and ad hoc committees from which college decisions emanate. The Registrar provides overall leadership to all administrative personnel. This office coordinates the work in various sectors of the college, including the cafeteria, the maintenance section, the college clinic, the security section, the transport office, halls of residence, and central registry.
Subsections.The office of the registrar has four immediate subsections. These include:
The office responsible for academic affairs.
The office responsible for human resource management and development.
The office responsible for administrative issues
The office responsible for student welfare.